Terms of Use

Last updated: July 30, 2024

You are now connected to ammer.group public website. The information and content contained herein are provided subject to the following Terms and Conditions and your access to this website and continued usage constitutes complete acceptance of these terms and conditions.

The present site is intended to provide information about Ammer Group AG, CH-170-3044941-9, Grabenstrasse 27, 6340 Baar, Switzerland, its affiliates and subsidiaries (together referred to herein as Ammer Group or ‘we’/’us’/’our’), its organisation, the products and services offered by its divisions, and its share performance. However, this information represents only a presentation of Ammer Group‘s products and services and is not contractually binding.

Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this website including, but not limited to, the text and images contained herein and their arrangement are the property of Ammer Group. All trademarks used or referred to in this website are the property of their respective owners.

Nothing contained in this site shall be construed as conferring any right whether express or implied by license or otherwise on any copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary interest of Ammer Group or any third party. This site and the content provided in this site, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images, audio, video, html code and buttons, may not be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without the prior written consent of Ammer Group, except that you may download, display, and print one copy of the materials on any single computer solely for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you do not modify the material in any way and you keep intact all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices.

The information provided on this site is free of charge and for informational purposes only and does not create a business or professional services relationship between you and Ammer Group. Links on this site may lead to services or sites not operated by Ammer Group. No declaration, judgment or warranty is made with respect to such other third party services or sites and Ammer Group takes no responsibility for such other sites or services and their content. A link to another site or service is not an endorsement of that site or service. Any use you make of the information provided on this site, or any site or service linked to by this site, is at your own risk.

Although Ammer Group makes reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website, this website may include inaccuracies, outdated information or typographical errors. Therefore, Ammer Group makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein. Further, Ammer Group assumes no liability, obligation or responsibility of any nature for any errors or omissions in the content of this site.

The names, images, logos and pictures identifying Ammer Group‘s products and services are proprietary marks of Ammer Group and/or its affiliates. References made while using this website to any third-party provided information, content, goods, products, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise do not necessarily constitute or imply the endorsement, approval or recommendation thereof or connection therewith by Ammer Group. Further, this website may be linked to other websites, which are not published, under the control of or maintained by Ammer Group. Ammer Group has not reviewed any or all of the sites linked to this site and Ammer Group is not responsible for the content of those sites or any of the off-site pages or any other sites linked to those sites.

Ammer Group is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement by Ammer Group of those sites.

Ammer Group does not claim ownership of the materials you provide through this website, including but not limited to feedback and suggestions, or posts, uploads, inputs or other submissions. Ammer Group shall not be liable or held accountable for the content or views expressed in such materials provided by you. Ammer Group reserves the right at all times, at its sole discretion, to screen content submitted by you and to edit, move, delete, and/or refuse to accept any content that in Ammer Group’s judgment violates these Terms of Use or is otherwise unacceptable or inappropriate, whether for legal or other reasons.

By submitting material on this website, you grant Ammer Group and anyone authorised by Ammer Group, a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to use, copy, modify, transmit, sell, exploit, create derivative works from, distribute, and/or publicly perform or display such material, in whole or in part, in any manner or medium (whether now known or hereafter developed), for any purpose that Ammer Group may choose.

Your use of and browsing of this website is at your own risk. Neither Ammer Group nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the site is liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising or that may arise out of your access to, or use of, this site or any site linked to by this site. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on this site is provided to you “as is” and “as available” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties. Ammer Group may make modifications, improvements, corrections and/or changes to this website and these Terms and Conditions at any time.

Ammer Group may collect data logs of individuals browsing ammer.group website, with the purpose of understanding aggregate usage of features and pages. For this purpose Ammer Group uses Google Analytics. In order to avoid the collection of your Personal Data by Google, Ammer Group has set up the tool in a manner which prevents the collection of IP addresses. Neither Ammer Group nor Google are able to identify individuals’ activity.

Additional Personal data can also be collected as a result of the subscription to the newsletter or to Ammer Group’s Premium Services. These Personal Data are processed by Ammer Group solely to deliver the appropriate support and service. None of these data will be shared with third parties.
Because data protection and security matter, the ammer.group website is hosted in the European Union in order to guarantee an appropriate level of protection to all data that are collected and processed. Any data transfer in Europe and in particular for the needs of application support would be framed in accordance with the EU model clauses in order to provide an appropriate level of protection.

You can learn more about how Ammer Group processes your personal data by consulting our Privacy Notice.

When users visit our website, cookies are installed on the computer to allow us to improve the way our websites work, for example by making sure users find what they need easily. To find out more about how we use cookies, please see our Cookie Notice.

In the event that any portion of these Terms and Conditions is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable portion shall be construed in accordance with applicable law as close as possible to reflect the original intentions of the parties and the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Ammer Group’s failure to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Neither the course of conduct between any party referred to herein nor trade practice shall act to modify any provision of these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss law. Any cause of action against Ammer Group must be commenced in Switzerland.

The information and publications are not intended to be and do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Ammer Group.
Ammer Group also does not warrant that such information and publications are accurate, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case. Any expression of opinion (which may be subject to change without notice) is personal to the author and the author makes no guarantee of any sort regarding accuracy or completeness of any information or analysis supplied.
Do you have any questions? Get in touch!