Trackers and AMC Products
Offer your clients exposure to simple and complex referenced digital asset portfolios with a Swiss ISIN and regulatory certainty. Make investing in crypto as simple as buying stocks in a few clicks.
FX Crypto Swaps
Trust us to be your broker or dealer - fixed price or open market routing, our trading desk will help you get the best price for your crypto-to-fiat trade.
Connect to major trading venues via an industry standard FIX API. No changes needed, just plug your existing OMS and enable crypto trading for all your existing customers.
Connectivity and Brokerage Services
Trading Services
We provide specialized crypto trading services* designed to ensure secure, efficient and robust execution for private and institutional clients.
*Trading services are provided by the regulated entities Ammer Capital AG (CH) and Keypoint S.r.l. (IT)
Do you have any questions? Get in touch!